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Doug E. Fresh


Doug E. Fresh’s peers have dubbed him the “World’s Greatest Entertainer” and the “Original Human Beatbox.” During his nearly 40-year career, he has etched himself into the annals of music history with his creation of the human beatbox art form, whereby he vocally simulates the sounds of drums and other musical instruments with stunning accuracy. His unrivaled skill and myriad talents have resulted in an enduring legacy that continues to break new ground.

As a pioneering hip-hop artist, Fresh possesses the unrivaled ability to captivate audiences with or without a musical backing track and has performed at the request of US Presidents, foreign dignitaries, and Saints. As a television personality and producer, he has appeared as a performer and musical mentor on Fox’s “American Idol,” hosted HBO’s “Bad Boys of
Comedy,” served as one of three celebrity judges on BET’s “Showtime at the Apollo,” and earned three consecutive executive producer credits for his work on BET’s newly reprised “Soul Train Awards.” He has also launched marketing campaigns for brands like McDonald’s, Toyota, and Febreze. As an entrepreneur, he has established several commercial enterprises, namely an eponymous restaurant in New York City and multiple real estate development projects.

Proudly raised in Harlem, New York, Fresh shot from local phenomenon to nationally recognized talent with the help of an appearance in the 1984 cult classic movie “Beat Street.” By 1985, Fresh had become one of hip-hop’s biggest international stars, thanks to the success of his classics, “The Show” and “La Di Da Di,” recorded with his Get Fresh Crew, including MC Ricky D (a.k.a. Slick Rick). As highlighted in a 2019 Wall Street Journal article and in a 2014 TED Talk by multi-platinum music producer Mark Ronson, “La Di Da Di” holds the distinct honor of being the fifth most-sampled song in the history of music with use by Mariah Carey, Snoop Dogg, Miley Cyrus, LL Cool J, Will Smith, and more than 1000 other acts.



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