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Holograms, Projection Mapping, Interactive Lasers and award-wining cirque artists all come together in one spectacular holiday show! Holiday Dreams presents an exciting, modern holiday show featuring cirque artists, comedy, daredevils and a modern soundtrack.


The story follows a mischievous Elf who thinks he is mailing himself to a tropical island, but instead finds himself delivered to the wrong address: YOUR theater! Trying to get to his destination, he recruits the help of a stage hand, the audience, and a cast of amazing performers. Does he make it to his tropical destination after all?



Show creator Fernando Quevedo wanted more than creating a holiday show that was just presenting amazing performers. He wanted to create a show that had a story thread that the audience can follow that was whimsical whilst also being heartwarming. It had to be light hearted and presents what he considered the values inherent in the Holiday Season: Joy, Peace, Love, Gratefulness and Hope. He also wanted to create a show that would unite families and bridge the generational divide and make it appealing to all. No small feat as you have grandparents that grew up without cell phones and millennials who can’t live without them. He carefully crafted a balance between incredibly talented performers, an epic soundtrack and amazing modern special effects such as holograms, computer graphics and laser technology. The result was that Holiday Dreams is truly a spectacular show that appeals to all generations because the talent and the themes in the show are universal.

Representing over 250 artists with performances throughout the world, UAA has proven itself as an industry leader among talent agencies, continuing to help direct the careers of some of the most prominent artists and entertainers of today.


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